Tips you might find useful:
- Put things away don?t just put them down (otherwise clutter!) If you don't use it, remove it from your classroom!
- Everything in your classroom should have a place (especially great for senior citizens!)
- Idea of a "teacher tool belt":
- Have your kids make stuff to put up. Walls are a great blank slate! Build community too!
- Have a basket, folder, etc. for each day of week and have resources for that day in place. Update 1x/week
- Keep a folder with all sub info, medical info, class list
- Once you know your schedule, make a sub plan template for each day of the week, then just fill it in with needed info - great time saver
- Develop procedures and allow time at end of day for kids to help organize for next day (straighten library, chairs, pencils, etc.)
- I love binders. Have one for every subj or unit of study and one to keep my lesson plan sheets for each week. LiveBinders works well for this too.
- We are using google apps as our lessons are digital and delicious to organize research resources
- Organizing Your Classroom links (love Kim & Zendre sites)
- Lots of spare lesson plans and activities in the sub folder too
- Greatest classroom organizer I've come across in last year....@Dropbox
- Leave classroom each night w/ clean desk, objectives on board, 1st activities ready, etc. It will feel like a gift in the morning
- I use hanging folders for students to place their work. Each folder tabbed with name & number. Helps correcting when you have 32
- Assign each student a number. They should put this number on every paper (it makes it easier to see who has not turned in something). Putting numbers on books helps too.
- I also have two baskets; one for corrected, one for not corrected homework - students place homework there themselves
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